My current method involves setting up a orthographic camera viewing the geometry, and setting the far and near clipping field to the extents of the geometry. I'm not looking for links to external tutorials, but short descriptions of your methods are welcome.
For completeness, list the qualities that make up a good displacement map. You would still want to have a normal map, they are still the most efficient way to add a sense of depth to objects as they actual effect the way in which light is rendered across an object.
Using displacement mapping you can create, among other things, more realistic looking reflections, design packaging and add tattoos to people.Normal maps are used more in low poly games. Bump map renders faster but you do lose quality. Normal maps are like bump maps, as in the way they both trick the light, but normal maps actually change the surfaces normals and bend the light. A displacement map is real geometry (polygons), while a bump map is tricks of light to make it look like it has real geometry.Home Create displacement map Creating Displacement, Normal & Bump Map